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Higher Secondary 2025 Mathematics Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Biological Sciences Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Political Science Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Geography Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Philosophy Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 History Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Economics Question Paper pdf Higher Secondary 2025 English Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Bengali Question Paper pdf উচ্চমাধ্যমিকের পর পশ্চিমবঙ্গে শীর্ষ ১০টি প্রবেশিকা পরীক্ষা

1:  “Sir, do you want a servant?” Siddha asked Mr Sivasankar.

Answer:  Sidda politely asked Mr Sivasankar if he wanted a servant.

2: “No, he hasn’t taken it!” Leela screamed.

Answer:  Leela screamed saying emphatically that he had not taken it.

3: “Tell me a story, Mother,” Leela said.

Answer:  Leela requested her mother to tell her a story.

4:  “Where were you before?” he asked.

Answer: He asked where he (Sidda) had been before.

5: He sought relief by saying, “I think your mother is calling you in to dinner.”

Answer:  He sought relief by saying that he thought her mother was calling her in to dinner.

6: “What a rough fellow he must be!” said his wife.

Answer:  His wife exclaimed with fear that he (Sidda) must be a very rough fellow.

7:  Leela said to her mother, “ Sidda knows the moon.”

Answer:  Leela told her mother that Sidda knew the moon.

8:  “Come in”, said Mr Sivasankar.

Answer:  Mr Sivasankar permitted him to enter.

9:  “They left the town, master”, Said Sidda.

Answer:  Addressing Mr Sivasankar as master, Sidda said that they had left the town.

10:  Leela said, “ Do not send him away.”

Answer:  Leela requested not to send him away.

11:  She said, “ Let us keep him in our house.”

Answer:  She suggested that they should keep him in their house.

12:  “Now come with me”, he said.

Answer: He told her to go with him then.

13: He said, “ They will pick him up very soon, don’t worry.”

Answer: He urged not to worry because they would pick him up very soon.

14:   “How did it get into the tamarind pot?” Mother asked.

Answer:   Mother asked how it had got into the tamarind pot.

15:   “Why did they send you away?” Mr Sivasankar said to Sidda.

Answer:   Mr Sivasankar asked Sidda why they had sent him away.

16:  “Have you done it?” asked Leela.

Answer:  Leela asked if he had done it.

17:  “Does the moon know you?” Leela said to Sidda.

Answer:  Leela asked if the moon knew him (Sidda).

18:  “Don’t go near him,” the inspector said to Leela.

Answer:  The inspector forbade Leela to go near him.

19. He asked, “Do you see the moon there?”

Answer: He asked if he saw the moon there.

20. Sidda said, “I have asked it to follow us around.”

Answer : Sidda said that he had asked it to follow them around.

21. She commanded, “Now write.”

Answer : She commanded to write then.

22. He sought relief by saying, “I think your mother is calling you in to dinner.”

Answer: He sought relief by saying that he thought her mother was calling her in to dinner.

23. “Why did you run away without telling us?” asked Leela’s mother.

Answer: Leela’s mother asked why he had run away without telling them.

24. “Where is your chain?” asked Leela’s mother.

Answer : Leela’s mother asked where her chain was.

25. He said, “They will pick him up very soon.”

Answer: He said that they would pick him up very soon.

26.  Mr Sivasanker said, “The inspector was furious that I didn’t consult him before employing him.”

Answer: Mr. Sivasanker said that the inspector was furious because he hadn’t consulted him before employing him.

27. The inspector said to the constable, “Take him to the station.”

Answer: The inspector ordered the constable to take him to the station.

28. The inspector said to the constable, “I think I shall have to sit with him tonight.”

Answer: The inspector told the constable that he thought he would have to sit with him that night.

29. Leela said, “I won’t sleep unless Sidda comes and tells me stories.”

Answer: Leela said that she would not sleep unless Sidda went and told her stories.

30. “I will have a new chain.” Leela said.

Answer: Leela said that she would have a new chain.

31. “Sidda, come and play!” Leela would cry.

Ans: Leela would cry calling Sidda to go and play.

32. And then she said, “Now throw the ball into the sky.”

Answer: And then she told him to throw the ball into the sky.

Class XI English (Mindscapes)Textual Grammar

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