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Higher Secondary 2025 Economics Question Paper pdf Higher Secondary 2025 English Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Bengali Question Paper pdf উচ্চমাধ্যমিকের পর পশ্চিমবঙ্গে শীর্ষ ১০টি প্রবেশিকা পরীক্ষা মাধ্যমিকের পর কী করবে? সেরা ক্যারিয়ার বিকল্পসমূহ ব্যাখ্যা Madhyamik 2025 Physical Science Question Paper pdf Madhyamik 2025 Life Science Question Paper pdf Madhyamik 2025 Geography Question Paper pdf Madhyamik 2025 History Question Paper pdf Madhyamik 2025 Mathematics Question Paper pdf

Do as directed:

Voice Change from Meeting at Night

1. As I gain cove with pushing prow.

Answer: As cove is gained with pushing prow by me.

2. And quench its speed in the slushy sand.

Answer: And its speed is quenched in the slushy sand.

Transformation of sentences from Meeting At Night

1. I gain the cove with pushing prow. (Make it complex)

Answer:  I gain the Cove as I push the prow.

2. I quenched its speed in the slushy sand. (Turn into a complex sentence)

Answer: I quenched its speed in the sand which was slushy.

3. Blue spurt of a lighted match. (Make it complex)

Answer: A blue spurt is produced when a match is lighted.

4. Three fields to cross till a farm appears. (Turn into a simple sentence)

Answer: After crossing three fields a farm appears.

5. The startled little waves that leap in fiery ringlets from their sleep, as I gain the cove with pushing prow. (Split the sentence up into two sentences)

Answer: I gain the Cove with pushing prow. The startled little waves leap in fiery ringlets from their sleep.

6. Three fields to cross till a farm appears. (Split the sentence up into two sentences)

Answer: There are three fields to cross. Then a farm appears.

7. I crossed a mile of beach. The beach smelt of the sea. (Join with relative clause)

Answer: I crossed a mile of beach, which smelt of the sea.

8. The moon rose in the sky. It was large and low. (Join with relative clause)

Answer: The moon, which was large and low, rose in the sky.

9. Three miles to cross till a firm appears. (Use noun form of appear)

Answer: Three miles to cross till an appearance of a farm occurs.

10. The startled little waves leap in fiery ringlets. (Use noun form of fiery )

Answer: The startled little waves leap in ringlets with feariness.

11. The blue spurt of a lighted match is seen.(turn into a complex sentence)

Answer: The blue spurt of a match which is lighted is seen.

12. I crossed a mile of beach. The beach smelt of the sea.(join using the relative clause)

Answer: I crossed a mile of beach which smelt of the sea.

13. And the yellow half-moon large and low.(split into two simple sentences)

Answer: (i) I saw the yellow half moon. (ii) It was large and low.

Class XI English (Mindscapes)Textual Grammar

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