The Hare and the Tortoise story
A hare- laughed at the tortoise slow pace – tortoiseRead More
A hare- laughed at the tortoise slow pace – tortoiseRead More
A thirsty crow- looking for water- saw a pitcher- waterRead More
a wood cutter- axe fell into water- began to cry-Read More
A thirsty fox- hungry too- enters vine-yard- grapes hanging high-Read More
Write a paragraph in about 80 words on the changesRead More
Write a story in about 80 words using the followingRead More
1.Natyasastra- Bharata 2. Kavyadarsan- Dandin 3. Kavyalamkar- Bhambaha 4. Kavyalamkarsutra- Vamana 5. Dhvanyaloka- Anandauardhana Read More
Morning star of Reformation – John Wycliff Child of Renaissance – SpenserRead More
Mikhail Bakhtin– Carnivalesque, Heterroglossia, Dialogism Roman Jackobson– Structuralism Julia Kristeva–Read More
The Poet and the Text John Clare (1793-1864) was anRead More
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