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Higher Secondary 2025 Mathematics Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Biological Sciences Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Political Science Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Geography Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Philosophy Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 History Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Economics Question Paper pdf Higher Secondary 2025 English Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Bengali Question Paper pdf উচ্চমাধ্যমিকের পর পশ্চিমবঙ্গে শীর্ষ ১০টি প্রবেশিকা পরীক্ষা

Do as directed:

(1) It would take me some time to discover something about her looks. (Voice Change)

Ans: Sometime would be taken by me to discover something about her looks.

(2) “My parents were widely regarded as an ideal couple,” he said. (Change the mode of narration)

Ans: He said that his parents had been widely regarded as an ideal couole.

(3) I have come to you, honoured Stephan Stephanovitch to trouble you with a request. (Split into simple sentences)

Ans: I have come to you, honoured Stephan Stephanovitch. I want to trouble you with a request.

(4) The humming insects don’t disturb his rest. (Change into a complex sentence)

Ans: The insects which are humming don’t disturb his rest.

(5) Thou art more lovely and more temperate than summer. (Change into positive degree)

Ans: Summer is not as lovely and temperate as thou art.

(6)She left the door open. (Change into negative sentence)

Ans: She didn’t close the door.

(7) Hack and chop it (Change the voice)

Ans: You are ordered to hack and chop it./ Let it be hacked and chopped.

(8) All the birds are faint with hot sun. They hide in cooling trees. (Join into simple sentence.)

Ans: All the birds faint with hot sun hide in cooling trees.

(9) The woman said, “Pick up my pocket book boy, and give it here.”(Change the mode of narration)

Ans: The woman ordered the boy to pick up her pocket book and give it to her.

(10) The Tsar gave the reward to none. (Change into interrogative sentence)

Ans: Did the Tsar give the reward to anyone?

(11) Let’s change the subject. (Start the sentence with ‘The subject’)

Ans: The subject should be changed by us.

(12) Every fair from fair sometime declines. (Rewrite using infinitive)

Ans:  Every fair from fair is supposed to decline somtime.

(13) “I didn’t see you either,” I said.” But I heard you come in” (Change the mode of narration)

Ans: I said that I had not seen her either but I had heard her come in.

(14) His answer filled me with a strange energy and enthusiasm. (Change the voice)

Ans: I was filled with a strange energy and enthusiasm by his answer.

(15) It has consumed the earth. It has grown slowly. (Join into a simple sentence)

Ans: It has grown slowly consuming the earth.

(16) When tired out of fun, he rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.(Split into simple sentences)

Ans: He is tired out of fun. He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.

(17) It was about eleven o’clock at night, and she was walking alone.(Change into a complex sentence)

Ans: She was walking alone when it was about eleven o’clock at night.

(18) One should always attend to all. (Use the noun form of ‘attend’)

Ans: One should always give attention to all.

(19) I wanted to raise my hand. I wanted to touch her hair. (Join into simple sentence)

Ans: I wanted to raise my hand to touch her hair.

(20) My mother’s lineage was more distinguished than that of my father’s. (Change the degree of comparison)

Ans: My father’s lineage was not as distinguished as that of my mother’s.

(21) Hack and chop. This alone won’t do it. (Join into a compound sentence)

Ans:  Hack and chop but this alone won’t do it.

(22) He takes the lead in summer luxury. (Change the voice)

Ans: The lead is taken by him in summer luxury.

(23) A boy ran up behind her and tried to snatch her purse. (Change into simple sentence)

Ans: A boy ran up behind her to snatch her purse.

(24) The Tsar was very glad. (Change into an exclamatory sentence)

Ans: How glad the Tsar was!

(25) I must have been sitting in a dark corner. My voice startled her. (Join into a complex sentence)

Ans: I must have been sitting in a dark corner as my voice startled her.

(26) We lived in our ancestral house. (Use the noun form of ancestral)

Ans: We lived in the house of our ancestors.

(27) It has grown slowly consuming the earth. (Split into Simple Sentences)

Ans: It has consumed the earth. It has grown slowly.

(28) The poetry of earth is never dead.
(Change into an affirmative sentence)

Ans: The poetry of earth is ceaseless. /The poetry of earth is alive forever.

(29) The boy could hear other roomers coughing and talking in the large house.(Change into a compound sentence)

Ans: The boy could hear other roomers and they were coughing and talking in the large house.

(30) The most important time was when you were attending to him. (Use the positive degree)

Ans: No other time was as important as when you were attending to him.

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