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চারণকবি কবিতা MCQ – ভারভারা রাও – একাদশ শ্রেণী সেমিস্টার ১ বিড়াল (প্রবন্ধ) MCQ- বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায় | Class 11 Semester 1 সাম্যবাদী নজরুল ইসলাম MCQ প্রশ্নোত্তর | একাদশ শ্রেণী বাংলা নুন – জয় গোস্বামী একাদশ শ্রেণী লালন শাহ্ ফকিরের গান একাদশ শ্রেণী সেমিস্টার ২ ভাব সম্মিলন – বিদ্যাপতি চারণকবি – ভারভারা রাও বাংলা সমার্থক শব্দের তালিকা বন ও বন্যপ্রাণী সংরক্ষণ প্রবন্ধ ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগর কবিতার প্রশ্ন উত্তর | একাদশ শ্রেণি সেমিস্টার ১

1. Sir Mohan is 

A. a young man

B. an old man

C. a middle-aged man

D. a Britisher

Answer: C. a middle-aged man

2. Sir Mohan was resting in a 

A. first class waiting room

B. second class waiting room

C. inter class waiting room

D. room outside the station

Answer: A. first class waiting room

3. The suit of Sir Mohan is made in

A. India

B. France

C. England

D. Pakistan

Answer: C. England

4. The mirror in the waiting room was made in 

A. America

B. England

C. India

D. France

Answer: C. India

5. Sir Mohan smiled at the mirror with

A. an air of scorn 

B. an air of pity and patronage

C. extreme vexation

D. an air of admiration

Answer: B. an air of pity and patronage

6. Sir Mohan’s tie was special because

A. it bore the emblem of Balliol collage of Oxford University

B. it was gifted by a British Officer

C. it was a gift from Lachmi 

D. it was an emblem of sir Mohan’s excellence in India

Answer: A. it bore the emblem of Balliol collage of Oxford University 

7. Sir Mohan believed that the qualities attached to Indian are 

A. lazy, corrupt and slow

B. traditional, upper class, luxurious

C. inefficient, dirty, insufficient

D. efficient, worthy of emulation 

Answer: C. inefficient, dirty, insufficient

8. ” You are so much like everything else in this country ” this country refers to 

A. America 

B. India

C. England

D. Ireland

Answer: B. India

9. Sir Mohan used

A. eau de Cologne

B. ayurvedic massage oil

C. cod liver oil

D. Swadeshi sandal wood scented power

Answer: A. eau de Cologne

10. ” Ek chota ” refers to 

A. a small glass of water

B. a small glass of milk

C. a small glass of scotch

D. a small gift

Answer: C. a small glass of scotch

11. The word opposite to ” efficient ” is 

A. stylish 

B. effective

C. inefficient 

D. obvious

Answer: C. inefficient

12. Lachmi was sitting on

A. a sofa 

B the floor

C. a bench

D. a steel trunk 

Answer: D. a steel trunk

 13. Lachmi was chewing 

A. chocolate

B. sweets

C. gum

D. betel leaf

Answer: D. betel leaf

14. Sir Mohan looked at himself in the mirror of a _____________ waiting room 

A. second class 

B. inter class

C. first class

D. third class

Answer: C. first class

15. The mirror _____________ back at sir Mohan

A. laughed

B. mocked

C. smiled

D. replied

Answer: C. smiled

16. The bearer went to meet sir Mohan at the waiting room thought a

A. wire gauze door

B. narrow gauze door

C. broad gauze door

D. heavy glass door

Answer: A. wire gauze door

17. The suit of sir Mohan was from_____!

A. Saville Row 

B. Oxford University

C. Harley Street

D. France

Answer: A. Saville Row

18. Sir Mohan smoothed his balliol tie for the __________ time.

A. fifteenth 

B. sixteenth

C. umpteenth

D. seventeenth

Answer: C. umpteenth

19. Sir Mohan’s moustache was neatly____

A. shaved

B. cut

C. shaped

D. trimmed

Answer: D. trimmed

20. Sir Mohan smiled at the mirror with an air of pity and__________.

A. satisfaction

B. pride

C. patronage

D. perfection

Answer: C. patronage

21. He glanced at his _________

A. tie 

B. watch

C. suit 

D. moustache

Answer: B. watch

22. _________ ordered Sir Mohan 

A. ” Ek chota.”

B.” Koi hail “

C. ” Ek dum jao…”

D. ” Reserved !”

Answer: A. ” Ek chota.”

23. ” Trimmed ” means

A. cut roughly

B. cut neatly

C. shaved

D. made long

Answer: B. cut neatly

24. ” Livery ” means

A. look

B. vision

C. dress

D. uniform

Answer: C. dress

25. Lady Lal was in her 

A. thirties 

B. forties 

C. mid – forties

D. fifties

Answer: C. mid – forties

26. Lachmi had ____________ gold bangles on her arms 

A. one 

B. two 

C. several

D. five

Answer: C. several

27. Lachmi was 

A. tall and fat 

B. short and fat 

C. tall and lean 

D. short and lean

Answer: B. short and fat

28. The colour of the sari that Lachmi wore was 

A. red and green 

B. red and yellow

C. green and white

D. white with a red border 

Answer: D. white with a red border

29. Lachmi’s tiffin carrier was made of 

A. silver

B. steel

C. aluminum

D. brass

Answer: D. brass

30. On her way to where the zenana would stop, Lachmi stopped by a 

A. hawker’s stall

B. food stall

C. newspaper stall 

D. betel leaf stall

Answer: A. hawker’s stall

31. Lachmi stopped by a hawker’s stall to buy 

A. chapati 

B. pan parag 

C. betel leaves 

D. mango pickle

Answer: C. betel leaves

32. The betel case of Lady Lal was made of

A. gold 

B. tin 

C. brass

D. silver

Answer: D. silver

33. Sir Mohan Lal always had with him the newspapers –

A.      The Statesman

B.     The Times

C.      The Guardians

D.     The Patrika

 Answer:   B.  The Times.

34. Sir Mohan Lal spent in England –

A.      Five years

B.     Three years

C.     Seven years

D.    Two years

Answer:    A. Five years

35. Sir Mohan Lal studied at –

A.  Oxford University

B. London University

C. Leeds University

D. Cambridge University

Answer: A. Oxford University

 36. While in England Sir Mohan Lal usually enjoyed dinner at –

A.  Piccadilly

B. The Inns of Court

C. University hostel

D. Oxford

Answer: A. Piccadilly.

  1. ‘Karma’ written by Khushwant Singh is –
    a) A short story
    b) An essay
    c) A play
    d) A report
    Ans: a) A short story
  2. Sir Mohan Lal owned a –
    a) Silver cigarette case
    b) Gold cigarette case
    c) Steel cigarette case
    d) Wooden cigarette case
    Ans: b) Gold cigarette case
  3. The particular thing which Mohan Lal put on the time of traveling was –
    a) Balliol tie
    b) Blue pant
    c) The suit from Savelle Row
    d) Red shirt
    Ans: a) Balliol tie
  4. Lachmi’s tiffin contained –
    a) Bread and butter
    b) Chapattis and mango
    c) Chapattis and mango pickle
    d) Milk and biscuits
    Ans: c) Chapattis and mango pickle
  5. Sir Mohan Lal was man-handled and flung out of his first-class coupe by –
    a) Two English Soldiers
    b) Three English Soldiers
    c) Four English Soldiers
    d) Five English Soldiers
    Ans: a) Two English Soldiers
  6. “You are so very much like everything else in this country…….” –who is referred to here? –
    a) Sir Mohan Lal
    b) Lady Lal
    c) The mirror of the first-class waiting room
    d) The Englishman
    Ans: c) The mirror of the first-class waiting room
  7. ‘Ek chota’ –What is meant here? –
    a) A betel leaf
    b) A hard drink
    c) A cigarette
    d) A soft drink
    Ans: d) A soft drink
  8. The inter-class zenana compartment was-
    a) Next to the guard’s van
    b) In the middle of the platform
    c) Just after the engine
    d) At the tail end of the train
    Ans: d) At the tail end of the train
  9. The story starts with –
    a) Lady Lal traveling in a train
    b) Lachmi sitting on a trunk at the station
    c) Mohan Lal looking at himself in a mirror
    d) Sir Mohan Lal
    Ans: c) Mohan Lal looking at himself in a mirror
  10. “You are a bit of all right, old chap” –This is spoken by –
    a) Lachmi
    b) A British soldier
    c) The narrator
    d) Sir Mohan Lal
    Ans: d) Sir Mohan Lal
  11. Mohan Lal’s suit was brought from –
    a) Saville Row
    b) Paris
    c) America
    d) London
    Ans: a) Saville Row
  12. “There was still time for a quick one.” –Here ‘a quick one’ means –
    a) Smoking
    b) Eating food
    c) Chewing betels
    d) Drinking wine
    Ans: d) Drinking wine
  13. Lachmi or Lady Mohal Lal sat on –
    a) Cushion
    b) Steel trunk at the railway station
    c) Platform chair
    d) Bench
    Ans: b) Steel trunk at the railway station
  14. Mohan Lal’s wife was traveling in the –
    a) First class
    b) Second class
    c) Economic class
    d) Inter-class
    Ans: d) Inter-class
  15. Who brought Lachmi’s belongings to the compartment of the train? –
    a) An attendant
    b) Her brother
    c) A coolie
    d) Sir Mohan Lal
    Ans: c) A coolie
  16. What was Sir Mohan Lal? –
    a) Trader
    b) A teacher
    c) Soldier
    d) A barrister
    Ans: d) A barrister
  17. Lachmi was not allowed to travel with Sir Mohan Lal in the first-class because –
    a) She was only a native woman
    b) She was ugly to look at
    c) She was in the habit of chewing betel leaves
    d) She was not liked by Sir Mohan Lal
    Ans: a) She was only a native woman
  18. What were Sir Mohan Lal’s plans to strike up a conversation with fellow travelers during the train journey? –
    a) Sir Mohan Lal decided to talk about the weather loudly.
    b) Sir Mohan Lal decided to display the times in such a way that it was visible to others while he worked on the crossword puzzle.
    c) Sir Mohan Lal decided to ‘lend his copy of the times newspaper to anyone who wanted it and then begin a loud conversation.
    d) Sir Mohan Lal decided to quiz his fellow travelers about their native place in anglicized Hindustani.
    Ans: b) Sir Mohan Lal decided to display the times in such a way that it was visible to others while he worked on the crossword puzzle.
  19. Which act of the British soldiers finally angers Sir Mohan Lal? –
    a) Sir Mohan Lal was outraged by their refusal to read the times.
    b) Sir Mohan lal was outraged by their speaking to him in broken Hindustani.
    c) Sir Mohan Lal was outraged by their throwing out of his suitcase and other belongings on the platform.
    d) Sir Mohan Lal was outraged by their ignorance of his Balliol tie.
    Ans: c) Sir Mohan Lal was outraged by their throwing out of his suitcase and other belongings on the platform.
  20. Where does Sir Mohan Lal look at himself in the mirror? –
    a) Sir Mohan Lal looks at himself in the mirror in the ground floor of his bungalow.
    b) Sir Mohan Lal looks at himself in the mirror in a first-class waiting room at the railway station.
    c) Sir Mohan Lal looks at himself in the mirror in his room at Balliol College, Oxford.
    d) Sir Mohan Lal looks at himself in the mirror in the upper storey of his bungalow.
    Ans: b) Sir Mohan Lal looks at himself in the mirror in a first-class waiting room at the railway station.
  21. Why are Sir Mohan Lal and Lady Lal not traveling together even though they are booked in the same train? –
    a) Men and women were not allowed to travel together in olden days.
    b) Sir Mohan Lal likes to travel first-class and Lady Lal prefers the inter-class.
    c) Sir Mohan Lal likes to travel inter-class and Lady Lal prefers the first-class.
    d) There are no tickets available in the same compartment.
    Ans: b) Sir Mohan Lal likes to travel first-class and lady Lal prefers the inter-class.
  22. How do Sir Mohan Lal and Lady Lal live at home? –
    a) Sir Mohan Lal stays in the upper storey of the house while Lady Lal is on the ground floor.
    b) Lady Lal lives in the servants’ quarters next door.
    c) Sir Mohan Lal and Lady Lal live together in perfect accord on the same floor.
    d) Lady Lal stays in the upper storey of the house while Sir Mohan Lal lives on the ground floor.
    Ans: d) Lady Lal stays in the upper storey of the house while Sir Mohan Lal lives on the ground floor.
  23. The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal’s –
    a) Sleep
    b) Anxiety
    c) Composure
    d) Sanguineness
    Ans: d) Sanguineness
  24. Lachmi stopped by a hawker’s stall to buy –
    a) Chapati
    b) Betel leaves
    c) Pan Parag
    d) Mango pickle
    Ans: b) Betel leaves
  25. Sir Mohan Lal’s ways and manners were to produce the impression –
    a) That he was an English gentleman
    b) That he was as anglicized and refined as an English gentleman
    c) That he belonged to Indian nobility
    d) That he was not an Indian nobleman
    Ans: b) That he was as anglicized and refined as an English gentleman
  26. Sir Mohan Lal believed that qualities attached to ‘Indian’ were –
    a) Lazy, corrupt, slow
    b) Traditional, upper class, luxurious
    c) Inefficient, dirty, indifferent
    d) Efficient, worthy of emulation
    Ans: c) Inefficient, dirty, indifferent
  27. The words “get the nigger out” suggest –
    a) A sense of irony
    b) A sense of force
    c) A sense of humor
    d) A sense of tragedy
    Ans: a) A sense of irony
  28. When Sir Mohan Lal saw two Englishmen soldiers walking towards his coupe he decided to –
    a) Shoot them out
    b) Welcome them warmly
    c) Vent his anger on them
    d) Ignore them with an expressionless matter-of-factness
    Ans: b) Welcome them warmly
  29. The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal’s –
    a) Peace
    b) Understanding
    c) Sang-froid
    d) Conversation
    Ans: c) Sang-froid
  30. The mirror in the first class compartment was –
    a) Very neat and clean
    b) Very dirty
    c) Old and not in well condition
    d) Broken to pieces
    Ans: c) Old and not in well condition
  31. Lachmi had on her nose –
    a) A diamond nose-ring
    b) A silver nose-ring
    c) A gold nose-ring
    d) Nothing
    Ans: a) A diamond nose-ring
  32. The poor illiterate relatives did not visit the bungalow of Mohan Lal because –
    a) They were arrogant
    b) They were not liked by Mohan Lal and Lachmi
    c) Mr. Lal did not allow them
    d) Both Mohan Lal and Lachmi did not like them
    Ans: b) They were not liked by Mohan Lal and Lachmi
  33. ‘Zenana’ is the compartment in the train meant for –
    a) Male passengers only
    b) Female passengers only
    c) Both male and female passengers
    d) None
    Ans: b) Female passengers only
  34. Entering in the ‘Zenana’ Mrs. Lal –
    a) Got a seat beside the window towards the platform
    b) Got a seat beside the window opposite the platform
    c) Got an uncomfortable seat
    d) Got a seat in one corner
    Ans: a) Got a seat beside the window towards the platform
  35. ‘Tickety-boo’ means –
    a) Show the ticket
    b) All right
    c) Ticket checker
    d) Get out
    Ans: b) All right
  36. Mr. Mohan Lal always used to read the ‘Times’ because –
    a) It attracted the attention of others
    b) He did the crossword puzzle
    c) He preferred to read it
    d) He was a permanent subscriber to the Times
    Ans: d) He was a permanent subscriber to the Times
  37. On that day Sir Mohan Lal had read the Times –
    a) Once
    b) Several times
    c) Thrice
    d) None of these
    Ans: b) Several times
  38. The mirror in the first-class waiting is made in –
    a) England
    b) India
    c) Japan
    d) France
    Ans: b) India
  39. Lachmi was chewing –
    a) Gum
    b) Sweets
    c) Betel leaf
    d) Chocolate
    Ans: c) Betel leaf
  40. Lachmi was –
    a) Tall and fat
    b) Short and lean
    c) Tall and thin
    d) Short and fat
    Ans: d) Short and fat
  41. ‘Mixed double’ refers to Mohan’s playing –
    a) Cricket
    b) Football
    c) Tennis
    d) Ha-do-do
    Ans: c) Tennis
  42. Sir Mohan’s cigarette case was made of –
    a) Silver
    b) Steel
    c) Brass
    d) Gold
    Ans: d) Gold
  43. On seeing the compartment without any passenger Sir Mohan Lal was –
    a) Satisfied
    b) Sad
    c) Glad
    d) Indifferent
    Ans: b) Sad
  44. The names of soldiers were –
    a) Bill and Jim
    b) Tom and Keats
    c) Bill and Tom
    d) Jack and John
    Ans: a) Bill and Jim
  45. When the train was about to reach the platform, Lachmi finished her meal –
    a) Slowly
    b) Casually
    c) Hurriedly
    d) None of these
    Ans: c) Hurriedly
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