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উচ্চমাধ্যমিকের পর পশ্চিমবঙ্গে শীর্ষ ১০টি প্রবেশিকা পরীক্ষা মাধ্যমিকের পর কী করবে? সেরা ক্যারিয়ার বিকল্পসমূহ ব্যাখ্যা Madhyamik 2025 Physical Science Question Paper pdf Madhyamik 2025 Life Science Question Paper pdf Madhyamik 2025 Geography Question Paper pdf Madhyamik 2025 History Question Paper pdf Madhyamik 2025 Mathematics Question Paper pdf Madhyamik 2025 English Question Paper | MP 2025 Madhyamik 2025 Bengali Question Paper pdf সমোচ্চারিত ভিন্নার্থক শব্দের তালিকা | বাংলা ব্যাকরণ

1. From APJ’s house, Rameswaram was –

(A) Ten minutes’s Walk
(B) 15 minutes walk
(C) 30 minutes walk
(D) 20 minutes walk

Ans: (A) Ten minutes’s Walk

2. APJ’s father chanted prayers in –

(A) Arabic
(B) Parsee
(C) Greek
(D) Hindi

Ans: (A) Arabic

3. “Whenever they reach an impasse …” ‘Impasse’ means –

(A) Impossible
(B) Possible
(C) Deadlock
(D) Prayer

Ans:(C) Deadlock

4.‘Strong Roots’ is an excerpt from –

(A) My Father
(B) Wings of Dream
(C) Wings of Fire
(D) My Childhood

Ans: (C) Wings of Fire

5. Kalam’s parents were widely regarded as –

(A) Proud parents
(B) An ideal couple
(C) Successful parents
(D) Fortunate parents

Ans: (B) An ideal couple.

6. APJ Abdul Kalam’s world was concerned with –

(A) Science and war
(B) Rocket science and technology
(C) Science and technology
(D) Technology and spirituality

Ans: (C) Science and technology.

7. APJ’s parents’s name were –
(A) Jainulabdeen & Ashiamma
(B) Jainuluddin & Ashiamma
(C) Jainulabdeen & Ishikamma
(D) None of those

Ans: (A) Jainulabdeen & Ashiamma 

8. From APJ’s house the coconut grove was

(A) 3 miles away
(B) 4 miles away
(C) 5 miles away
(D) 6 miles away

Ans: (B) 4 miles away

9. Rameswaram was famous for –

(A) Shiva temple
(B) Mosque
(C) Sea beach
(D) Garden

Ans: (A) Shiva temple

10. APJ’s father used to get up at –

(A) 3 a.m.
(B) 4 a.m.
(C) 5 a.m.
(D) 6 a.m.

Ans: (B) 4 a.m.

11. The ancestral house of APJ was a –

(A) Small new house
(B) Large pucca house
(C) Multistoreyed building
(D) Mud hut

Ans: (B) Large pucca house 

12. The ancestral house of APJ was made of –

(A) Mud and bamboo
(B) Wood and Tin
(C) Limestone & brick
(D) Marble stone

Ans: (C) Limestone & brick

13. The ancestral house of APJ was situated at –

(A) Mosque street
(B) Temple street
(C) Rameswaram street
(D) Kerala street

Ans: (A) Mosque street

14. The name of the high priest of Rameswaram temple was –

(A) Lakshmana Sastry
(B) Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry
(C) Ram Lakshmana Sastry
(D) Rameswaram Sastry

Ans: (B) Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry.

15. Abdul Kalam’s ancestral house was built in –

(A) Mid 19th century
(B) Late 19th century
(C) Early 19th century
(D) Early 20th century

Ans: (C) Mid 19th century.

16. APJ used to eat on a –

(A) Thali
(B) Banana leaf
(C) Silver plate
(D) Aluminium plate

Ans: (B) Banana leaf

17. APJ belongs to a _____ family

(A) Tamil
(B) Bengali
(C) Oriya
(D) Keralian

Ans: (A) Tamil

18. The famous temple mentioned in the story Strong Roots is –

(A) The Kali
(B) The Shiva
(C) The Durga
(D) None

Ans : (B) The Shiva 

19. Kalam’s father took him to the old mosque for –

(A) Evening prayers
(B) Morning prayers
(C) Noon prayers
(D) None of the above

Ans: (A) Evening prayers 

20. Kalam’s father led a/an –

(A) Fashionable life
(B) Gorgeous way of life
(C) Comfortable life
(D) Austere way of life

Ans: (D) Austere way of life

21. The Mosque Street where Kalam lived was in –

(A) Kodaikanal
(B) Rameswaram
(C) Kanya Kumari
(D) Vizag

Ans : (B) Rameswaram

22. According to Kalam, his childhood was –

(A) Bad
(B) Pleasant
(C) Insecure
(D) Secure

Ans : (D) Secure

23. Kalam normally ate with his –

(A) Sister
(B) Brother
(C) Father
(D) Mother

Ans: (D) Mother

24. . “She then Ladled rice and aromatic sambar” – The word “aromatic” means –

(A) Vibrant
(B) Elegant
(C) Exact
(D) Fragrant

Ans: (D) Fragrant

25. The locality where Kalam lived was pre-dominantly

(A) Muslim
(B) Christian
(C) Dalit
(D) Hindu

Ans: (A) Muslim.

26. Men offered bowls for Kalam’s father to dip his

(A) fingertips
(B) stick
(C) handkerchief
(D) thumb

Ans: (A) fingertips

27. The sacred water was carried for the –

(A) children
(B) old fellows
(C) orphans
(D) invalids

Ans: (D) invalids

28. When one prays, one transcends one’s— and becomes a part of the—

(A) mind, chaos
(B) body, cosmos
(C) world, hell
(D) house, heaven

Ans: (B) body, cosmos

29. Kalams father could convey complex spiritual concepts in

(A) very simple Tamil language
(B) very scholastic English language
(C) very polished Arabic language
(D) colloquial Telegu language

Ans: (A) very simple Tamil language

30. Adversity always presents opportunities for

(A) retrospection
(B) speculation
(C) meditation
(D) introspection

Ans: (D) introspection

31. Kalam’s father answered to his son’s query in a

(A) low deep voice
(B) high voice
(C) cool manner
(D) serious tone

Ans: (A) low deep voice

32. Jainulabdeen, Kalam’s father, started his day at

(A) 6 am
(B) 5 am
(C) 4 am
(D) 3 am

Ans: (C) 4 am

33. Whenever human beings find themselves alone, they start looking for

(A) factory
(B) job
(C) company 
(C) enemy

Ans: (C) company

34. Whenever people are in trouble, they look for someone

(A) to help them
(B) to lift them
(C) to take them to hospital
(D) to befriend them

Ans: (A) to help them.

35. The coconut grove was about miles walk from Kalam’s house 

(A) five
(B) four
(C) three
(D) six

Ans: (B) four

36. Kalam’s father would carry home of coconuts

(A) about half a dozen
(B) about a baker’s dozen
(C) about a dozen
(D) about a bunch

Ans: (C) about a dozen

37. Kalam’s father continued to live this routine-bound life till he was in his

(A) late fifties
(B) late sixties
(C) late seventies
(D) late eighties

Ans: (B) late sixties

38. Throughout his life Kalam intended to  …….his father in the field of science and technology

(A) imitate
(B) emulate
(C) sublimate
(D) excel

Ans: (A) imitate

39. The Shiva Temple was — walk from Abdul Kalam’s house.

(A) ten minutes
(B) twenty minutes
(C) fifteen minutes
(D) thirty minutes

Ans: (A) ten minutes

40. Dr. Kalam’s father had —

(A) Neither wealth nor power
(B) Neither formal education nor power
(C) Neither formal education nor wealth
(C) Neither wealth nor respect

Ans: (C) Neither formal education nor wealth.

41. Dr. Kalam’s mother’s lineage was more — than his father’s.

(A) superior
(B) Distinguished
(C) Aristocratic
(D) Lowly

Ans: (B) Distinguished

42. Kalam says, he was born into —

(A) A lower middle class family
(B) A middle-class family
(C) A very poor family
(D) A considerably rich family.

Ans: (B) A middle-class family.

43. “This water was then carried home for invalids.” – Hear the word ‘invalid’ means – 

(A) illogical
(B) inessential
(C) infirm and incapable persons
(D) worthless.

Ans: (C) infirm and incapable persons.

44. The words of Abdul Kalam’ father filled him with a strange energy and –

(A) relief
(B) enthusiasm
(C) perseverance
(D) determination

Ans: (B) enthusiasm.

45.Kalam’s austere father did not like –

(A) essential comforts
(B) material wealth
(C) luxuries
(D) Arabic prayer.

Ans: (C) luxuries.

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