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Higher Secondary 2025 Mathematics Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Biological Sciences Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Political Science Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Geography Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Philosophy Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 History Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Economics Question Paper pdf Higher Secondary 2025 English Question Paper Higher Secondary 2025 Bengali Question Paper pdf উচ্চমাধ্যমিকের পর পশ্চিমবঙ্গে শীর্ষ ১০টি প্রবেশিকা পরীক্ষা

1. She looked at Sidda.

Answer: Sidda was looked at by her.

2. I will show you something nice.

Answer: Something nice will be shown to you.

3. Come in.

Answer: You are requested to come in.

4. Don’t send him away.

Answer: Let him not be sent away.

5. Sir, do you want a servant?

Answer: Sir, is a servant wanted by you?

6. I will tell the inspector tomorrow.

Answer: The inspector will be told tomorrow  by me.

7. I have not taken it.

Answer: It has not been taken by me.

8. She knew two or three letters of the alphabet.

Answer: Two or three letters of the alphabet were known to her.

9. Tell me a story, Mother.

Answer: Let a story be told to me, Mother.

10. Police and constable brought Sidda in.

Answer: Sidda was brought in by the police and constable.

11. Sidda knows the moon.

Answer: The moon is known to Sidda.

12. Have you done it?

Answer: Has it been done by you?

13. She held a class for him.

Answer: A class was held for him by her.

14. He told Leela incomparable stories.

Answer: Incomparable stories were told to Leela by him.

15. She flung the ball at him.

Answer: The ball was flung at him by her.

16. Her mother gave her a slap.

Answer: A slap was given to her by her mother.

17. Sidda was given two meals a day and four rupees a month.

Answer: They gave Sidda two meals a day and four rupees a month.

18. You are always abusing and worrying Sidda.

Answer: Sidda is always being abused and worried by you.

19. We couldn’t have kept a criminal like him.

Answer: A criminal like him couldn’t have been kept by us.

20. The police know his haunts.

Answer: His haunts are known to the police.

21. Leela’s mother picked up the chain.

Answer: The chain was picked up by Leela’s mother.

22. He called his wife.

Answer: His wife was called by him.

23. Don’t send him away.

Answer: Let him not be sent away.

24. Now, throw the ball into the sky.

Answer: Now, let the ball be thrown into the sky.

25. Leela gave a cry of joy.

Answer: A cry of joy was given by Leela.

26. His company made her supremely happy.

Answer : She was made supremely happy by his

27. Now this has touched the moon.

Answer : Now the moon has been touched by this.

28. Leela keenly examined the ball for traces of the

Answer: The ball was keenly examined by Leela for
traces of the moon.

29. He covered the ball tightly with his fingers.

Answer: The ball was covered tightly by him with his

30. He allowed her to peep through a little gap.

Answer: She was allowed by her to peep through a little gap.

31. Can we touch the sky ?

Answer: Can the sky be touched by us ?

32.  I will show you something nice.

Answer: You will be shown something nice by me.

33. He took her to the backyard.

Answer: She was taken to the backyard by him.

34. I have asked it to follow us about.

Answer: It has been asked by me to follow us about.

35. She could draw a kind of cat or crow.

Answer : A kind of cat or crow could be drawn by her.

36. The thought of Sidda made her panicky.

Answer: She was made panicky by the thought of

37. Leela made a noise of deprecation.

Answer: A noise of deprecation was made by Leela.

38. They will pick him up very soon.

Ans: He will be picked up by them very soon.

39. He hasn’t taken the chain.

Answer: The chain hasn’t been taken by him.

40. Mr. Sivasanker carried Leela back into the

Answer : Leela was carried back into the house by Mr.

41. She washed off coating of tamarind on it.

Answer: The coating of tamarind on it was washed off
by her.

42. Did you put itin ?

Answer: Was it put in by you ?

43. She must have dropped it into the pot sometime.

Answer: It must have been dropped into the pot sometime by her.

44. Mr Sivasankar subjected him to a scrutiny.

Answer:  He was subjected to a scrutiny by Mr Sivasankar.

Class XI English (Mindscapes)Textual Grammar

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